The enrollment periods for courses spring 2025:
- enrollment 7.1.-15.1.2025.
- enrollment 3.3.-12.3.2025.
Enrollment starts on the first enrollment day at 9 am.
Holiday periods may affect course schedules.
- Winter break 24.2.-2.3.
- Easter: 17.4.-21.4.
- May Day 30.4.-1.5.
You can sort the courses from the list below for example by the registration period using the arrows in the top bar.
NOTE! If a course enrollment is not possible due to unpaid invoices, please visit Mypage to see which course or shift it is about. If it is an old, unpaid course fee, which you have nevertheless paid, please send us the payment receipt by e-mail to, so that we can acknowledge your payment. The payment has not been acknowledged, for example, because the payment arrived late. After receiving the receipt, we will acknowledge the payment as complete, and you will be able to register normally.
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Course Terms
- Courses are open for students and staff members of Tampere universities.
- Participation requires a valid SportUni fee, excluding the separately mentioned courses. In addition, most courses have a separate course fee.
- The enrollment on courses is binding, so please do not enroll “just in case”.
- You can cancel your enrollment on Mypage during the enrollment period. In case the cancellation is not possible on Mypage for technical reasons for example, you can cancel the enrollment also by sending an e-mail to In this case, the cancellation needs to be made during the enrollment period as well. If you have already paid the course fee, you can request a refund by sending the name of the course, a picture of the payment receipt and your bank account number to Please note, that the paid SportUni fee is not refunded to the customer in any case.
- The course fee must be paid if you don’t cancel the enrollment before the enrollment period ends. Cancellation made after the enrollment period requires you to provide a valid reason and e.g. nurse’s, doctor’s or teacher’s certificate in order for the course fee to be returned.
- Unpaid course fee will cause a reservation and registration block for SportUni services until the payment has been made. In addition, if the person registered for the course neglects to pay the course fee despite notices, his/her access card can be closed and the SportUni fee can be removed without a separate notification.
- You enroll on the course as a whole. If you are unable to attend every session of the course, missed sessions will not be compensated.
- Each course has its minimum amount of participants and a course will be cancelled if there won’t be enough participants enrolled. You will be informed about the cancellation by e-mail, and a notice will also be posted on the SportUni webpage under Courses. If the course is cancelled by the organizer, the paid course fee will be refunded to you. Please note, that the paid SportUni fee is not refunded to the customer in any case when the use of the services is interrupted. Sometimes there are also situations when the instructor of the course gets sick and we have to cancel the instruction session. In this case we inform you by e-mail and try to reschedule the missed class.
How do I enroll?
You can enroll on all SportUni courses on our webpage. You find the enrollment links in the Selection calendar and also in the course selection list. You need to enroll on the courses one by one.
The enrollment system functions via Haka-identification, so a valid university user name and password are needed. The number of sports courses on which you can enroll is not restricted, i.e. you can enroll on as many courses as you like. It is not possible to get study credits from the sport courses.
If you have not tried the sport before, we recommend the beginners course. If you already know the basics of the sport and are looking for more of a challenge, enroll yourself on the advanced course. Some of the courses have an open challenge level and is then marked with open. These open courses are suitable for everyone. Intensive courses have become a new option, which are short, 1-2 introductions to the sport and are suitable for everyone.
Did I get in?
The participants of the course are selected in enrollment order. Each course has a limited number of places for the participants. The maximum number of participants can be found in every course description.
Under Mypage you can see a list of all the courses on which you have enrolled. You can see the status of your enrollment for each course. Status “Waiting” means your enrollment is being processed and you will soon receive a confirmation e-mail. When you have received the e-mail (the e-mail connected to your Haka-identification = the university e-mail), the course information is updated on the Mypage and the status is then changed to “Confirmed”.
After the maximum participant number is reached, the system automatically suggests you enroll on the waiting list (normally 5 places). If the waiting list is also full, the course is automatically removed from the enrollment list, and you can no longer enroll on it. If cancellations occur, the places are filled according to the waiting list order. The customer holding the first spot on the waiting list will automatically be accepted on the course and a new waiting list spot is released for enrollment.
If the status is “on waitlist”, you are on the waiting list for the course. If you are accepted on a course from the waiting list during the enrollment period, you will be informed by e-mail. Please also check your junk-mailbox. The enrollment is binding until the end of the course enrollment period also for the customers on the waiting list.
Is there a course fee and how do I pay it?
To be able to participate on the course, the SportUni fee must be paid. In addition, for most of the courses, a participation fee is charged to cover part of the expenses for organizing the course. Prices incl. 14% VAT.
On Mypage you can see the payment information and your personal ID number with which the payment must be done. If you don’t have a finnish bank account, you can pay the course fee at customer service desk in SportUni centres. The course fee must be paid before the due date. The due date is mentioned in the course description.
What information does SportUni collect about me?
SportUni does not uphold a separate customer registry of the sports course participants. Participant e-mail addresses are automatically collected with the enrollment (via the Haka-enrollment system) and they are only used for contacting the customer regarding the course and feedback survey related matters. The e-mail addresses are not used for any other purpose.
How do I get more information?
You can get more information about the courses and course enrollment from or from our Sports Coordinators. You can find the contact information on the contact page.