Last body composition measurements in this spring

Wed 13.3. at 10-13 in Hervanta, Tamppi Arena
Wed 27.3. at 12-15 in Kauppi

SportUni’s partner Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry, HLU performs body composition measurements at Tamppi Arena and Kauppi.
The price of the measurement is 10 €. You can pay by card or MobilePay.

For a reliable measurement:

  • Avoid heavy eating and drinking the day before, consuming a caffeinated drink 3 h before measuring, alcohol 12 h before measuring.
  • If necessary, use the toilet before measuring.
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion before measuring.
  • Avoid hovering in hot or cold just before measuring.
  • Avoid measurement during menstruation.

The measurement is not done if you have a pacemaker, are ill or are pregnant.
