Group exercise class visitor - please observe this!

The group exercise classes are delightfully popular now, so at this point of autumn it's good to remind a few important rules of group exercise classes

  • Please register for the class in advance on SportUni selection calendar and cancel your registration as early as possible if you cannot attend. If the class you would like to attend is fully booked at some point during the day, places usually become available the closer you get to the beginning of the class. It is therefore worth following the registration situation until the end.
  • Please arrive to the group exercise class on time! Arriving late disturbs the instructor and other participants and can be a safety risk. Each group exercise class starts according to the schedule and ends five minutes before the scheduled time, leaving a transition time for the next class. The clocks in group exercise rooms and changing rooms may be slightly ahead or behind, so the correct time is always observed when starting and ending classes.
  • Please wear only indoor shoes in the group exercise rooms. Using outdoor shoes makes the floors dirty, can cause a safety risk and, at worst, ruin the parquet.
  • Let yourself and others to train in peace by leaving your phone in the locker during the class.
  • Please return the equipment you used tidily back to their places after the class, so that it is easy and safe for the next person to pick them up.

By following these rules, you enable not only yourself, but also others to have a pleasant and safe workout. Thank you for your attention and welcome to join the classes!