New restrictions in our sport centres - book your shift for next week from 6 March on

New restrictions on gym and badminton shifts from March 8, 2021.

We will make new restrictions on the number of visitors to our centres from Monday 8.3. from. There can be maximum of ten customers at time in our sport centres. There can be eight people at the gyms at the same time and two people playing badminton. In Atalpa there is no badminton shifts available because of matriculation examination at the sports hall, so in Atalpa the maximum amount of people at the gym is ten. Group exercise classes and indoor courses are still online services.

Gym shifts will be booked on SportUni Selection calendar. There are available 2-hour shifts during which time you should arrive, do your exercises and leave the centre. Badminton shifts (1h) are also booked same way from the Selection calendar, they include an hour of playing time in the sports hall.

Next week’s (8.-14.3.) shifts will open for booking on Saturday 6.3. from 8.45am.

Ski rental at Kauppi will be stopped but a return is still possible.

We apologize for the harm this might cause. For our part we do our best to enable safe exercising in our centres.