Pre-Christmas-bic 30 November on all campuses - open house

Pre-Christmas-bic event is organized on all of the SportUni campuses on 30 November. We have open house for all the sports locations during the day. Welcome!

Wear red and get yourself a Christmas hat for your workout accessory! Take a friend from the university community with you as SportUni sports fee is not required for the event. We have open house for the entire day on all of the campuses for the students and staff members of the Tampere University and TAMK. Please, prove your status with a student or staff card.

We have some mulled wine and small snacks available.


The group exercise classes in Hervanta and city centre:


at 10-11 Combat
at 11-12 Stretching

City centre

at 10.30-11 Combat
at 11-12 TAB
at 12-12.30 Stretching


Click to attend the Facebook-event.

SportUni in social media:

@SportUniTampere (Instagram and Facebook)