Autumn group exercise season starts on Monday 26 Aug - new classes are Latinos, Technique and 24you

Group exercise in Hervanta

SportUni autumn group exercise calendar is published. There are classes in every SportUni centre and the selection is versatile. The autumn season starts on Monday 26 Aug and ends before Christmas 15 Dec.

There is something for everyone; aerobic, dance, fitness and balance classes. New classes to this autumn are Latinos, Technique and 24you. 

– In the Latinos class, we dance casually to the rhythm of various Latin songs. Easy, fun and sweaty – come and try it! encourages Sini Niskala, who is responsible for group exercise at SportUni.

In the 30-minute technique class, on the other hand, you will receive detailed guidance on the effective and safe technique, especially for muscle fitness exercises performed with weights. The class also serves as a good warm-up for the DB Workout class that follows or for a gym workout.

24you is a new type of group exercise training. You can adapt the content and the intensity to your own fitness level and wishes, so it is suitable for everyone, Niskala continues. 

– Barre and Spin&Body, which were already tested in the summer season, can also be found in the autumn schedule. Based on the customer’s wishes, we have tried to arrange the classes in as many different starting times as possible, Niskala says. 

Check out the autumn group exercise offer in the selection calendar and feel free to come along. Some of the SportUni Kauppi classes are live-streamed, so you can also participate in LS-marked classes from your home/workplace. Registration for all group exercise classes is done through the selection calendar. Please also remember to cancel your registration no later than 2 hours before the start of the class, if you are unable to participate. Remote participation (only LS classes) does not require registration. 

You can participate group exercise classes unlimited by paying the SportUni fee. You can also participate with a one-time fee.

You can try different classes for free during the Open House weeks from August 26 to September 8 by showing a student card, certificate or staff card when you enter. Or you come to try with the free ticket from And you can already attend the group exercise classes now, because the summer classes run until Sun 25 Aug.