Body composition measurement in Sports fair in Tamppi Arena on Thurs 26.9.

Woman on the body composition measurement scale and info about the event.

Welcome to Body Composition Measurement in SportUni Hervanta.

SportUni’s partner Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry, HLU performs body composition measurements at the Hervanta Tamppi Areena Hobby and Exercise Fair.

Time: Thu 28 Sep at 10-14

Place: Tamppi Areena, SportUni

The price of the measurement is 10 €. You can pay by card or MobilePay.

For a reliable measurement:

  • Avoid heavy eating and drinking the day before.
  • Avoid a caffeinated drink 3 h before measuring, alcohol 12 h before measuring.
  • If necessary, use the toilet before measuring.
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion before measuring.
  • Avoid hovering in hot or cold just before measuring.
  • Avoid measurement during menstruation.
  • The measurement is not done if you have a pacemaker, are ill or are pregnant.

See you in the Sports fair Hervanta Tamppi areena Thu 26. Sep!