SportUni will open its sports centres in Kauppi, Hervanta and Atalpa in City Centre, on a limited basis on Monday, February 22, 2021. You can come to the gym or to play badminton only by making a booking.
Gym shifts will be booked on SportUni Selection calendar. There are available 2-hour shifts during which time you should arrive, do your exercises and leave the centre. Washing is recommended to make at home and the saunas are closed. Gym training shifts always start every two hours.
Badminton shifts (1h) are also booked from the Selection calendar, they include an hour of playing time in the ballrooms. Badminton shifts always start from half an hour.
Next week’s shifts will open on Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. The first can be booked on Thursday 18 Feb from 8.45 am. One person can book 3 shifts to the gym and 3 shifts to play badminton in a week.
Attention! The ball hall in the City Centre Atalpa will be in use for matricular examination from 22 to 26 February and from11 Mar to 5 Apr. Badminton shifts cannot be booked at Atalpa during these times.
Enrol to courses
SportUni also organizes outdoor exercise courses. Enrollment for the courses will be open from 22 February to 3 March 2021. Group exercise classes and indoor courses are still online services. There are no regular or open ball game shifts in the centres.
The sports centres follow strict corona guidelines during all opening hours and the facilities are only open in a supervised manner. You can find the opening hours of each centre in the SportUni Facility calendar closer to opening.
The SportUni centres are open as follows
Mon-Fri 8-22
Sat-Sun 10-20
Mon-Thu 8-22
Fri 8-20
Sat-Sun 10-18
City Centre Atalpa
Mon-Thu 7-22
Fri 7-21
Sat 10-19
Sun 12-19
Please follow the hygiene instructions in SportUni Centres
- Train 100 % healthy
- Use mask at least in the lobbies and dressing rooms
- Wash and disinfect your hands
- Remember safety distances
- Clean equipment after use