Clean Exercise Certificates for SportUni Centres

Have you already noticed the Certifications for Clean Exercise in SportUni Centres?

SportUni has received a Certificate for Clean Exercise from the A-Clinic Foundation’s Dopinglinkki as a sign of responsible support for clean and healthy exercise.

Dopinglinkki maintains and develops high-quality, doping-free fitness in collaboration with exercise operators.

– With sports operators, one of our important tasks is to share information with the population about the disadvantages of doping. In addition, we have a health counseling service. At the service, a user of doping agents can discuss the use anonymously, with confidence and without judgment, says Mikko Lemettilä, the development planner and ambassador for Clean Exercise.

Clean Exercise activities are free of charge for all sports operators. The activities of the Dopinglinkki and the A-Clinic Foundation are funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) and the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA).

Find out more about Dopinglinkki.