Credits from physical activity - Physical activity and Well-Being -studycourse also for TAU student via Cross-Institutional Studies!

Credits from physical activity poster

Physical activity during studies has been proven to improve academic performance and lays a foundation for future work ability. Movement enhances cognitive abilities, thereby boosting learning. That’s why it’s fantastic that both Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University offer the opportunity to earn credits from physical activity!

The aim of the Study on the move project was to extend TAMK’s Physical activity and Well-being studycourse (1 cr) also to the Tampere University. The course has opened up to Cross-Institutional studying. It is now possible for students from both universities to take the Physical Activity and Well-being course (1 ECTS) as part of their degree.

Come to Physical activity and Well-being course

In this course, you’ll learn about the effects of physical activity on your academic and work performance. You’ll get to exercise and reflect on your current level of physical activity. The goal is to create a personalized activity plan to support your studies. The highlight? You’re free to engage in any type of exercise you like—let your imagination run wild! Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to explore SportUni’s services free of charge. The course is conducted as an online course and can be completed on your own schedule.

TAU student: at first apply for Cross-Institutional Studies. After that you can registrate to Physical activity and Well-being course.

TAMK student: You can register for the course via Pakki at any time that suits you!

For more information contact teacher, Sport Centre Manager Helena Collin: