Enroll to SportUni Courses from 9 Feb

SportUni course enrollment opens on Wednesday 9 February at 9 a.m. and it ends 16 Feb. There is a staggering coverage of a variety of sport courses. Most popular courses are filled in quickly, places are filled in order of enrollment. SportUni continues to limit visitor numbers due to the covid situation.  

In the Basics of Gym Training course, you can safely start gym training under the guidance of a physical education professional, personal trainer. This course is also the only SportUni course that doesn’t require SportUni fee. The basics of gym training costs 10 euros.  

There are also a variety of dance courses, martial arts, weightlifting and novelty cheerleading on Hervanta campus. Popular ski courses will also continue.  

Check the courses from our Course website and enroll in Selection Calendar. The courses require a valid SportUni fee. Please read the Course Terms carefully before enrolling. 

A further third enrollment period for the sport courses is scheduled for spring from March 21 to March 30, 2022. Spring courses will include Finnish baseball, beach volley and many others. Courses will appear in the course listing when they are verified.