Entrance exams affects on SportUni services 15.5.-5.6.

Tampere University entrance exams affect the opening hours and services of SportUni Centres. You always find the up-to-date opening hours on SportUni Sports Centre website.  

SportUni Hervanta

2/3 of Tamppi Areena ball games hall in Hervanta is reserved for the entrance exams during 15.5.-31.5.2024. 

In Hervanta, the entire sport centre is closed during the examinations days:

  • Tue 21.5. at 6-15
  • Wed 22.5. at 6-13
  • Fri 24.5. at 6-13
  • Tue 28.5. at 6-15.

SportUni City Centre

The entrance exams also affect the services of SportUni City Centre, Atalpa.  

The ball games hall is closed 15.5.-5.6 and group exercise room is closed 16.5.-5.6.  

SportUni City Centre group exercise classes are held outdoors or in the stretching room at the basement during the exams. Detailed information and registration for the classes takes place in selection calendar.  

In City Centre Atalpa, the gym is normally open during the entrance examinations in accordance with summer opening hours. 

SportUni Kauppi

There are also entrance exams in SportUni Kauppi. The whole upstairs is closed Mon 20.5. – Tue 21.5.2024 at 8-12. Otherwise SportUni Kauppi is open normally.