Livestream class links will be published in the selection calendar

SportUni’s group exercise selection includes hybrid classes, which means that the class is held as a regular class in SportUni Kauppi, and in addition, the class is live streamed, so you can also participate online if you wish.

Live streamed classes are marked with symbol LS and can be found in selection calendar at the Livestream view (sport group in the drop-down menu). You can see LS classes in the calendar also at the Kauppi Centre view.

Enroll on LS-marked classes only if you come to the Sport Centre. You can participate online via the Zoom link that is published in the Selection Calendar below the class information. The link is only visible to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with Tuni ids.

Since the Zoom links for Livestream classes are now available through the SportUni web site, the “SportUni Live” Facebook group that was used to share the links will be removed.

Welcome to join the classes either at the Sport Centres or online!