SportUni LIVE starts today!

Live exercise, recorded exercise and outdoor training starts.

SportUni organizes live group exercise classes in private Facebook group SportUni Live during the closing of the sports centres. Anyone who has paid the SportUni fee can join the group. Live classes start today, Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m.

Upcoming today, Wednesday 2.12., instructed by Veera

16.30-17.25 DB Workout. (You need dumbbels or water bottles.)

17.30-17.55 Sixpack

18.00-18.55 Yoga

We publish schedules for the live classes in the SportUni Live group and on our website always the day before or, if possible, earlier. Welcome to move!

Join SportUni Live group on Facebook!

Outdoor training starts

Outdoor training, where safety distances can be maintained, will also be held from next week, ie from 7.12. The schedule will be released soon. On Monday 7.12., there will be kettlebell classes in the City Centre outdoor gym at 16.30-17.15 and 17.15-18.00. Enrollment on classes starts on Mon at 6.00 on selection calendar.

Group exercise classes in Panopto

We have done 3o minute long exercise videos. First videos will be released in Panopto-service on Friday 4 Dec. More exercises, which you can do whenever it suits you and anywhere, will be released on SportUni Panopto channel next week. You can log in to Panopto with your IDs. Welcome to move!

In addition to work and study, also take advantage of SportUni break exercise videos, which you can find here.

Follow SportUni website and social media channels to stay with us!