Train with good safety distances in SportUni Centres 

SportUni Centres opened on a limited basis on Monday, February 22nd. You can only go to the gym or to play badminton by reservation. 

– The opening has gone well, without any surprises. Bookings for shifts have been made actively and it seems that the situation varies every day. So it is worth checking the current situation in the Selection Calendar whenever you are wondering if there are shifts available. 

– Customers follow hygiene instructions well, wear masks and use hand disinfectant, says Helena Collin, Centre Manager at Kauppi. 

The number of visitors to SportUni Centres is limited. 

– For example, we only take 10 people at the Kauppi gym at a time. In this way, there are good safety distances when training. The use of a mask is recommended whenever possible, but at least in the lobby and dressing rooms, Collin continues. 

Shifts for next week open Thursdays 8.45 am 

Gym shifts will be booked on SportUni Selection calendar. There are available 2-hour shifts during which time you should arrive, do your exercises and leave the centre. Please, take a shower at home and the saunas are closed. Gym training shifts always start every two hours. 

Badminton shifts (1h) are also booked from the Selection calendar, they include an hour of playing time in the sport halls. Badminton shifts always start from half an hour. 

Next week’s shifts will open on Thursdays at 8:45 a.m. One person can book 3 shifts to the gym and 3 shifts to play badminton per week.