Welcome to the open ball games slots and regular shifts

People showing different ball games

Regular shifts and open ball games slots for the academic year 2024-25 will start at SportUni sports centres on 26 August. At the same time, the Open House Weeks will start at the sports centres from 26 August to 8 September, and during that time you can get to know the services free of charge.

SportUni Kauppi’s sports hall and sauna are still under renovation at the beginning of the autumn season. The Kauppi’s regular shifts start after autumn holiday in week 43, if the renovation has been completed on schedule.

Badminton and Pickle Ball

For badminton and pickle ball, you can book a shift from the Selection Calendar. The Selection calendar covers one week at a time. The next week’s badminton shifts will appear for booking on Thursdays at 8.45 a.m. You can book max. three shifts per week. For badminton, you can bring one person outside of Tampere Universities community to play as a friend. Because your friend is not a member of SportUni, he or she pays a one visit fee 7 euros to customer service.

Single shifts for all ball sports can be viewed and booked in the Selection Calendar.

Booking is not needed for open ball games slots. Just show up and start playing! Following gaming times are available in autumn 2024:

– Tue 13-14, Futsal
– Tue 16-17, Basketball
– Fri 13-15, Futsal
– Sun 17-18, Basketball

Kauppi (week 43->)
– Mon 18-20, Volleyball (booking required)
– Thu 17-18, Futsal
– Thu 19-20:30, Basketball

City centre
– Tue 15-16, Basketball

Did you know that you can also borrow different sports equipment from SportUni – find out more!

Read more about ball games!