You can pay the SportUni fee online

Reception at SportUni Kauppi

Count me in - it's so easy! You can pay SportUni fee online or at the Sport Centre's receptions.

The SportUni fee can be paid separately per term or for the whole year. The summer period is included in the spring term fee.

You can pay the SportUni fee at the moment by two different ways.

  • Students and staff can pay the fee with TUNI Pay electronic payment. Payment methods are online banks, ePassi or MobilePay.
  • Students and staff can pay the fee to Sport Centre customer service with cash, credit/debit card, ePassi. Members of Tamko can pay the fee also at Tamko office customer service (Kuntokatu 3, L-building).

Access rights to your student or staff card are updated at first visit in Sport Centre customer service point. You need to pick up access rights separately from each campuses’ Sport Centres.

SportUni prices 2021-2022

Whole year 1.8.2021-31.7.2022
Students 80€ / Staff 99€

Autumn term 1.8.2021-31.12.2021
Students 46€/ Staff 60€

Spring term 1.1.2022-31.7.2022
Students 52€/ Staff 65€

Notice: Students at TAMK: If you are not a member of Tamko you need to pay Staff fee price.

Per visit fee
Students / Staff 6€. One-time visit is possible for all the university students (not only for Tampere universities). The student card must be valid.

The prices incl. VAT.
