Movement for Daily Life and Education at Tampere Universities project has started in August

Happy students outside

Tampere Universities has been granted funding for the Students on the move -project by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The project's aim is to integrate movement into daily student life and reinforce the perspective that at Tampere Universities, it is both permissible and essential to take care of one's well-being. The goal is that the measures implemented during the project will directly enhance the well-being and academic and work capacity of students and teachers both now and in the future.

Integrating Movement into Universities Culture and Teaching Situations

Concerns about student inactivity led Tampere Universities to join the Students on the move -program in the fall of 2023.

– The evaluation of the current state of active learning conducted in spring 2024 confirmed our understanding that our institutions need to innovate in this area. Movement during daily student life and teaching has been overlooked in our community, as actions in teaching settings have depended on individual teachers and experiments, says Kirsi Mänty, Head of Sports.

To increase teachers’ competence, we will inform, orient, and support teachers within their faculties or competence units.

– Thanks to the pilot launched at TAMK in spring 2024, we have contact persons in each of TAMK’s learning units, and we have begun planning operational models with them, says Sini Karsa, Sports Coordinator.

On the TLC “Movement as Part of Teaching” page we delve into the presence or absence of movement in teaching situations and present proven methods to increase it.

Students Are Actively Involved in the Planning and Implementation of the Project

One of the project’s goals is to incorporate movement into students’ daily lives and raise awareness on the topic. The key partners in this goal are Tamko and TREY, who have been involved since the drafting of the development grant application.

– During the project, we aim to support student organizations in producing group-based peer activities that promote physical activity and to increase community-level events that even those who move little will join. A channel for finding exercise buddies, as requested by students, is also in the works, Karsa reveals.

The results of student surveys from OPY inspections and health surveys from FSHS have also been utilized in the planning phase. Based on these results and student feedback, we aim to activate campus areas.

– Potential activation measures include equipment that encourages communal movement and solutions that facilitate breaks from sitting, Karsa continues.

Strength in Collaboration

The project is being carried out in cooperation with many partners.

– In addition to student organizations, we collaborate with FSHS, Varala Sports Institute, the City of Tampere, Hämeen liikunta ja urheilu, and the Kamula project of the Ahjola settlement, Mänty explains.

Furthermore, we need the involvement of all members of the Tampere higher education community.

– By working together, we can make Tampere’s higher education institutions pioneers in promoting and encouraging movement in both study and work environments! Karsa concludes.