Get to know SportUni Personal Training services

Gym instruction

Are you planning to start to exercise after a long break? Or would you be interested in starting a completely new sport? Is the couch more appealing than the gym and would do you need someone to encourage you? Do you repeat the same sets at the gym with the same weights year after year? Do you have a goal related to exercise or well-being that you would like to achieve?

SportUni Personal Training services are intended for those who have paid the SportUni fee and need personal guidance and encouragement, e.g. in starting or scheduling exercise, preparing a training program, helping with the techniques, achieving goals or simply promoting their well-being.

Personal Training services can be purchased in packages of one, three, ten or 20. You can practice either individually or in a group with 1-3 friends. The group must have a similar goal. The PT sessions (55 min) can be held at any of the SportUni Centres or for example, a sports field or a swimming hall suitable for you.

SportUni currently has four Personal Trainers and one Strength and Conditioning Coach. Read the Personal Trainers introductions on our website and feel free to contact the trainer that suits you. The PT price list can also be found on the same page.

PT available at the gym

Personal Trainer Onni Saavalainen is available at SportUni gyms:

Mon 29 Jan at 17.30-19.00 SportUni Kauppi

Tue 30 Jan at 17.30-19.00 SportUni City Centre

Wed 31 Jan at 17.30-19.00 SportUni Hervanta

Feel free to come chat and ask training and technique tips or questions about diet!