Group exercise summer schedule starts on 3 May

SportUni’s group exercise summer schedule starts on 3 May. The summer season continues to 29 August but due to the corona situation, schedules are made for a shorter periods at a time. During the summer season, there will be livestream remote classes as well as outdoor classes as soon as they are possible.

Livestream classes are implemented through Zoom and you can access to these classes via  Facebook “SportUni Live” group. Those who have paid the SportUni fee will be accepted for the group. There is no need to register for livestream classes.

In addition to the livestream classes, we will start outdoor classes on Hervanta and City Centre campuses as soon as we receive permission to do so. So actively follow our communication channels!


Schedule for Livestream classes starting from May 3.


18.00-19.00 DB Workout (Veera)

19.00-20.00 Power yoga (Veera)


17.15-18.15 Zumba® (Hanna, in English)

18.30-19.30 Pilates (Pirjo)


07.45-08.45 FasciaMethod (Sanna-Mari)

16.30-17.30 Box&Body (Sari)

17.30-18.30 Neck-back (Sari)


18.30-19.00 Combat (Jennifer, in English)

19.00-20.00 TAB (Jennifer, in English)

Note! Classes may change, so you should always check daily and weekly schedule in our selection calendar or in the SportUni Live group. No classes on Ascension Day 13.5.