Now you can pay SportUni sports fee with electronic payment

Students and staff of Tampere University (TAU) and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) are able to pay SportUni sports fee with the electronic payment. Student fee can be paid by graduate and post graduate students who have paid the membership fee of Student Union of Tampere University (TREY) or Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamko).

Staff can pay the sports fee also with ePassi-staffbenefit in this electronic payment service.

Remember update your access rights

Access rights to your card are updated at first visit in Sport Centre customer service point. You need to pick up access rights separately from each campuses’ Sport Centres. All payment methods give automatical access rights to Hervanta campus’ sport facilities to those who already have a functioning access card at Hervanta campus.

Read more about How to join -page!