SportUni new season at the door — 10 Jan starts new group exercise classes and course registration

SportUni pump group exercise class

Join SportUni for very affordable price - for student only 7,40 euroa /month. 

SportUni new group exercise season starts on 10 January. There is a good offering on all three campuses. Group exercise classes can be found for every taste from SportUni Body classes to Zumba®.   

– New classes like PowerFascia and EasyLatinCross will come to our selections. PowerFascia is a wonderful body care class for everyone, based on the dynamic mobility exercises familiar from FasciaMethod classes. The class will be livestreamed and it is also perfect to do online. With Easy Latin Cross, we get an easy and fun dance class in SportUni Kauppi. The wishes of the customers have also been heard and the offer has been increased in all our sport centres as far as possible, says Sini Niskala, who is responsible for SportUni group exercise.  

SportUni group exercise classes are enrolled through SportUni Selection Calendar. The enrollment period changes for the new season so that you can already sign up for next day classes starting at 7am on the previous day. Also, be sure to cancel your enrollment in the event of a potential obstacle.   

The change will make at least morning classes much easier. No longer need to wake up on the morning of the same day at 6am to register for morning classes, Niskala notes.   

Some of the group exercise classes are also streamed via the SportUni Live Facebook group. You will be able to join the streaming lessons after you have paid SportUni fee and ask you to join SportUni Live on Facebook. Stream classes are offered five days a week.  

– Stream classes you can do at home or anywhere. A good option if you do not have time to spot the SportUni Centres, Niskala assures.  

You can find all group exercise classes in Selection Calendar

Courses three enrollment times 

In the spring season, SportUni also has a staggering course offering. Courses will be published on 4 Jan 2022. There are a limited number of places to courses.   

– New course is for example equipment Pilates and courses throughout the spring, according to sport coordinator Lotta Leijo.  

– We have considered the wishes as much as possible in the course planning. For example couple dances have been popular and we have added West Coast Swing couple dance course to the selection, adds sport coordinator Janette Savumaa. 

The enrollment times for Spring 2022 courses are as follows:  

  • registration 10-19 January 2022  
  • registration from February 21 to March 2, 2022  
  • Registration from March 21 to March 30, 2022  

All courses are published on SportUni course webpage and you can also enroll on the same page through the Selection Calendar. 

Ball games shifts also continue 10 Jan 

SportUni has open ball games shifts in several ball sports including volleyball, basketball, floorball, and futsal. In addition to open ball shifts, SportUni centres feature regular shifts from different communities of colleges. The new season of ball games also begins on Monday 10 Jan.  

SportUni sports halls can also be booked for badminton shifts at all opening hours. The following week’s badminton shifts will open in the selection calendar to be booked on Thursday mornings at 8:45 a.m.  

Spring SportUni fee may pay already 

If you have not yet paid the SportUni fee for this academic year, you can already pay the spring season fee at SportUni receptions or online. After payment, access rights will be uploaded to your student/staff card in the receptions. The spring SportUni fee is valid from January 1 to July 31, 2022. The price for students is 52 euros and 65 euros for staff.  So join us for very affordable price – for student only 7,40 euroa /month. 

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