Sport centres closed until 7 January - try online training

The Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Inland Finland has ordered customer and public premises in Pirkanmaa to be closed between 25.12.2021 – 7.1.2022. SportUni Centres will also remain closed for that period. 

The restrictions prevents the spread of the coronavirus. The Regional State Administrative Agency finds these restrictions to be necessary as the pandemic has taken a turn for the worse in the Pirkanmaa region. The decision is based on section 58g of the Communicable Diseases Act. 

SportUni strictly follows official regulations. SportUni will return to the activities of the beginning of the year and the opening of the Centres later. 

You can do online traininf during the lock down as recordings in Panopto videoservice. The digital platform Yogobe is also included as a part of your SportUni fee. 

Sports fees are not refunded by a decision of TAMK’s Management Team.