SportUni Open house 6-7 Nov and much more during Well-being week!

The well-being week is 6-10 November and the week is full of events organised in cooperation with Tamko, TREY and associations. This year, the theme for the Well-being Week is “Ways to cope”. In SportUni we have Body composition measurement, Pastor's divine spin-class and Squat work shop and of course our usual programs. You are welcome to try SportUni's sports services during our Open house 6-7 November free!

SportUni open house 6-7 Nov – come and try sports for free

Place: All SportUni Sport Centres

Welcome to try SportUni’s sports services! During the days of open house, all SportUni services are free of charge, and you can try different sports. You can come to the gyms, try group exercise classes, or come to play different ball games such as badminton or basketball.

For group exercise classes and badminton shifts, sign up with Tuni IDs from SportUni selection calendar.

When you arrive, show your student/staff card at the reception of SportUni Centre.

Body Composition Measurement 6 Nov at 10am-2pm

Place: Well-being fair, TAMK main building lobby

SportUni’s partner Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry, HLU performs body composition measurements at the Well-being fair.

The price of the measurement is 10 €. You can pay by card or MobilePay.

For a reliable measurement:

  • Avoid heavy eating and drinking the day before, consuming a caffeinated drink 3 h before measuring, alcohol 12 h before measuring
  • If necessary, use the toilet before measuring
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion before measuring
  • Avoid hovering in hot or cold just before measuring. Avoid measurement during menstruation
  • The measurement is not done if you have a pacemaker, are ill or are pregnant.

 See you in the fair!

Pastor’s Divine Spin 7 Nov at 9-10am

Place: SportUni Kauppi group exercise room

“Are you spinning your wheels without making any progress?” – in this class you’ll have peer support! This indoor cycling class increases basic endurance and mental coping with humoristic touch. In this class, activities vary from moderate to recovery as does the sections of spin instructor and the pastor.

This class is suitable for everyone, also for beginners. At the beginning of the class, approx. 5-10 min is used for moving the bikes, checking out the settings and exchanging thoughts, after that 40 minutes of cycling. After class it’s possible to chat with the pastor Jussi Houttu.

Class is free and you don’t need to pay the sports fee to participate. Registration opens in SportUni selection calendar 6.11. at 7am.

Open climbing session 7 Nov at 3 – 4.50pm

Place: SportUni Kauppi climbing wall
Come and try wall climbing!
Free climbing trial alone or with a partner 7.11. at 3-4.50pm. Does not require SportUni fee.
Climbing instructor Katariina Korkiala is guiding the session. No previous experience is necessary.
Bring: indoor sports clothes and indoor shoes. Other equipment are in the sport centre.
More information:

Squat Workshop 9 Nov at 4-6pm

Place: Tamppi Areena extension area (bigger gym)

Come to get tips and help with your squat form. The workshop is held at the gym in the Tamppi Areena extension area (bigger gym). Participation is free and open for all SportUni members and doesn’t require signing up. Just show up at any point between 16 and 18 o’clock!

An EQF PersonalTrainer, professional powerlifting coach and few other powerlifters and powerlifting judges will be leading the workshop. You do not need to have any prior experience or a gym background to attend, everyone is welcome! Please bring athletic clothes and indoor shoes with you.


Read more about Well-being week and check all events from TAMKO’s or TREY‘s website.