SportUni´s Open House Weeks 26 Aug - 8 Sep and other free visit possibilities

Open house weeks 26.8.-8.9. ad

Welcome to SportUni for the 2024-25 season. The new sports fee period has started in the beginning of August. Join by paying the sports fee and update the access rights to your student or staff card. You can try the services for free!

Come and try!

If you want to come and try SportUni’s services, it can be done in Open House weeks 26.8.-8.9. During these weeks, you can try SportUni’s sports services for free. Show your student card/certificate or staff card at the reception desk of the sports centres when you come to exercise. For badminton shifts and group exercise book a shift in advance from SportUni’s selection calendar with the Tuni ID.

Other free access opportunities

From you can download a free visit to SportUni sports centres (until 8 September). You can also find the vouchers in TREY’s academic year calendar or TAMKO’s Tursaspassi. When you come to visit, show the ticket and a valid student or staff card at the reception of the sports centre. A new student can show the attendance registration.

Summer time until 25.8.

For gyms you can train according to the opening hours of the sports centers. The opening hours of the sports centres will change from 26 August to the opening hours of the autumn.

Badminton shifts are booked from SportUni’s selection calendar. The next week’s shifts will be booked in the calendar on Thursdays at 8.45 a.m. Badminton is the only sport you can bring a friend from outside the Tampere universities community and they will pay the ne time fee. Ball games take place on summer schedules until 25th of August. The open and regular shifts for the autumn will start on 26 August. SportUni Kauppi’s sports hall is being renovated until the end of the fall holiday week 42.

Group exercise has summer schedules in use for the month of August. You can find the schedule in SportUni’s selection calendar and there you can also sign in. The new group exercise calendar for the autumn comes into force on 26 August.

Welcome to SportUni as “old” as new students and staff members!