Wellbeing Lab Body Composition Measurement in SportUni Centres

body composition measurement sportuni

Do you want to know how your body is doing right now?

With TANITA’s body composition measurement you can get a comprehensive report about your body composition and overall health.

Measurements are done by physiotherapy students from the Wellbeing Lab and they will take place with the following schedule:

Tues 29.3. at 10-14 Hervanta

Thurs 31.3. at 10-14 Kauppi

Fri 1.4. at 10-14 City Centre Atalpa

The price of the measurement is 10 euros. Please pay by card!

For a reliable measurement:
– Avoid heavy eating and drinking the day before, caffeine 3 hours before
measurement, alcohol 48 hours before measurement
– Use the bathroom before the measurement
– Don’t shower right before ´the measurement
– Avoid getting the measurement done during periods or when pregnant
– Measurement is prohibited if you have a pacemaker

See you there!