New Sports Coordinator Oona Leivo

Oona Leivo, liikuntakoordinaattori

Hi! I’m Oona and I started as the sports coordinator for SportUni Hervanta a few weeks ago. Below you can find a little introduction about me and tomorrow you can follow my day on our instagram. 

Liikuntakoordinaattori Oona Leivo

As the sports coordinator in Hervanta, my job includes customer service, organizing events and courses, leading individual and group exercise classes and providing sports consultation.

What is your education / work background?

I have a Bachelor’s in Health Care, physiotherapy, so I am a physiotherapist. During school before starting as a coordinator I worked as a receptionist at the SportUni center in Kauppi, so SportUni was already familiar to me. I also worked for Ilves hockey where I lead practices for kids. 

What is the best thing about your job?

Versatile work description, a nice work environment and working with customers!

How do you exercise in your free time?

Nowadays I play spikeball aka roundnet, ultimate frisbee and badminton weekly. I also work out at the gym a lot, so you can often spot me at the gym at Tamppi Areena!

You can book a time for free sport consultation with me, purchase a gym instruction package or just come say hi. See you at Tamppi Areena!