SportUni's sports consultation helps you to change physical activity habits - book an appointment for a free sports consultation


You should move more, but you don't have time, you can't or don't know how. Fortunately, you don't have to solve the problem alone. SportUni's sports consultation is a free service where, with the support of a professional, the customer is guided and motivated to a more active lifestyle.

Sports consultation is a free service for students and staff members of Tampere Universities that is meant to help a customer who are too sedentary for their health to achieve a more active lifestyle. If you don’t have any health obstacles preventing you from exercising but you need some personal guidance to get started, sports consultation is a suitable option. Sports consultation is especially aimed at those who are motivated to find a more active lifestyle but need personal help getting started.

Sports consultation includes a personal initial and final meeting and together agreed number of meetings between with SportUni’s Sport Coordinator, either online or face-to-face. The whole sports consultation is about 4 – 6 months long process, depending on the customer’s needs. Sports consultation can include physical activity and counseling related to, for example, motivation, daily life management or physical activity habits.

Make an appointment on the campus you wish through the selection calendar (under personal services). The time reserved for sports consultation is 55 minutes. If you don’t find suitable time in the selection calendar, please contact our Sports Coordinators.